Thursday, May 7, 2020

The Importance of Containers in a Cloud Environment

Based in Dallas, James Ambrose Meyer heads Nebulr, an innovative cloud storage company that delivers efficient and secure solutions. James Ambrose Meyer has extensive knowledge of the cloud ecosystem and keeps current with the latest industry trends.

One major element of IT infrastructure protection involves the use of containers. These have a foundation in Linux root process isolation and partitioning. Within a shared operating system kernel, it is critical to be able to achieve virtual isolation of data at a level smaller than virtual machines (VM).

Containers hold the full range of components, including libraries, files, and environment variables, required to run specific software. With the isolation boundary shifted to the application level, rather than server level, issues with a single container do not impact the entire VM or server. For example, a contained process consuming too many resources will not impact overall system performance. In addition, containers resolve compatibility issues between applications running on a single operating system.

These benefits have led to widespread industry adoption, with Gartner IT forecasting that global organizations running multiple containerized applications within production will increase from 20 percent to 70 percent by 2023.